Alita Battle Angel (2019)
Exterior Environment: CG Ground + DMP Mountains and Sky.

Exterior Environment: CG Ground + DMP Mountains and Sky.

90% of the Environment excluding the farm vehicles. The terrain and crops are full CG. The BG Mountains, Sky and Zalem are Digital Matte Paintings. The car and the dirt road (with a small portion of the yellowing grasses on the sides are from the plate)

90% of the Environment excluding the farm vehicles. The terrain and crops are full CG. The BG Mountains, Sky and Zalem are Digital Matte Paintings. The car and the dirt road (with a small portion of the yellowing grasses on the sides are from the plate)

Digital Matte Painting Enhancements on CG renders and Additional Details.

Digital Matte Painting Enhancements on CG renders and Additional Details.

The environments are a team effort. My contributions are the city exteriors: terrain, farmlands, mountains and some of the skies.

The environments are a team effort. My contributions are the city exteriors: terrain, farmlands, mountains and some of the skies.

Alita Battle Angel (2019)

Alita Battle Angel is a long-in-the-making film directed by Robert Rodriguez with James Cameron and Jon Landau as executive producers. I'm very honoured to have become part of this groundbreaking project.

All images are copyright of Twentieth Century Fox.